Sanjha Restaurant



Punjab, the land of Five Rivers. Perhaps, it would be appropriate to call it the Land of Plenty!! The fertility of its fields and the richness of its dairy have been the envy of the subcontinent.

Punjab is famous its adventurous, outgoing, eat well drink well Punjabis. The emphasis has traditionally been on robust food, prepared with the simplest of ingredients and the simplest of basic techniques. Punjab – this side of the border or that – is situated at the crossroads of Silk Route. This allowed the Punjabis – Sikh, Hindu and Muslims – to imbibe diverse culinary influence. They tasted the best of the rest before anyone else on the subcontinent. The proximity with Persia, Afghanistan and central Asia gave them a taste for fresh and dried fruits and exotic nuts.


Jinney Punjab Nahin Wekheya, Au Janamaya Hi Nahin.

  “He who has not seen Punjab has not lived at all”

Since the days of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, Punjab has not only been the seat of imperial power, but a font of cosmopolitan culture. Between the two world wars, Punjab was the Paris of the east. It drew, like the proverbial magnet, scholars and scientist, poets and painters, musicians and dancers, and, above all the greatest chefs from all over. This was where GOOD LIFE was lived. It was during the era that Punjabi Food Standards were set.

In the times of Post Partition of India Punjabis got displaced all over India and Pakistan and once they found their feet the ‘resaturisation’ of the Punjabis began and what they introduced the rest of the country was the new cooking styles (Tandoor Food), way to eat out the way to explore the new flavours. Today whenever or wherever we speak of Indian food one of the first things which come to our mind is Tandoori Food and Rich Curries.

With the world shrinking and everyone’s appetite for new culinary experience growing, the Punjabi genius for creative cooking is at the forefront of a grand revival of Indian Cuisine.


A word from the Team

Dear Guest,

Welcome to Sanjha,


At Sanjha, we always try to bring you traditional Indian flavours using simple fresh ingredients. As you are about to explore, food from Sanjha is quite different from your around the corner curry house, this is because we try to bring you the authentic Indian food as it should be. If you cannot find something on the menu which you really crave for or if you want to change a particular item to be more or less spicy or any other variation, please let your server know about it and we will be delighted to accommodate it as much as we can.


Enjoy the Punjabi Experience….